These are a few projects I have worked on in the past:
- Created a Language model to predict if a Shakespeare play is a comedy or tragedy based on the text. Implemented Naïve Bayes algorithm in Python with cross-validation & Laplace’s correction, and identified top 20 features of comic and tragic plays
- Stock Market Price Prediction with Sentiment Analysis of tweets: Performed linear regression on Stock of TeslaMotors to check if sentiments expressed in tweets affect the stock price. Used: Python, BeautifulSoup, Yahoo Finance API
- Performed Full Linear Regression with steps: Data exploration, Variable Selection using AIC/BIC, Regularization, Performance evaluation of the models and Interpretation of results on Prostate cancer data: Used: R
- Performed Logistic Regression: Applied Ridge, Lasso regularization and Analyzed Performance of the models by plotting ROC curves for Heart Disease Data. Used: R
- AirBnb First Booking prediction: Based on the user profile, user session data predicted user’s top choice of destination. Steps: Data exploration, data preparation. Used Random Forest and XgBoost. Accuracy: 88.38%
- CS 5100 : Apply concepts from the coursework to the Pacman world Pacman Artificial Intelligence project for (CS 5100) UC Berkley. Implemented Search, Multi-Agent Search, Reinforcement Learning, Ghostbusters Using Python.
- BookMyEvent – Full-Stack web development using Node.js, Angular JS, Mongo DB (MEAN Stack) for an Event booking platform featuring Mobile-first design, review system for users and hosts & Admin panel. Implemented CRUD operations in the form of RESTful APIs, and also used Google Maps API , more details in this blog post
Mobile Apps:
- Health Plus: Android Application- Play Store (It was on Google App store from 2012-14)
Aim: Increasing awareness about STDs and AIDS among teenagers. Published on Play Store.
Features: Data storage of Health parameters, generating graphs, Text to speech conversion for better user interaction, one-touch Audio report of user’s Health parameters, GPS support Publication - Play It More – An Android music player (2012)
Aim: Learning basics of Android Application Development
Features: Basic Functionalities of a music player with song selection based on the mood of the user. Fetch data from URL for Internet radio.
DonateVision – A Mobile Application for Eye Donation Process (2013-14) Aim: To increase posthumous eye donations by connecting potential donors and eye banks
Features: Contact number search, Registration of a Donor, Eye banks nearby, How-to guide, Clarification of misconceptions about eye donation, Module for the eye donation process. Publication
C++ Projects:
- Diagnosis Assistant for Doctor – C++ project (2011-12):
Aim: Implementation of Objective oriented programming concepts
Features: Disease prediction system for the doctor for diagnosis of disease based on input systems, Data storage, Wikipedia of diseases. - Blood Bank Management System (2011):
Aim: Data storage using file handling of ‘C++’.
Features: Account creations, deletions, updating. Account Search based on Name, id and many more options.